Cipta barito perkasa
Diawali dengan terbentuknya perusahaan lokal nasional PT. Barito Armada Mandiri (BAM) cabang Murung Raya pada Tahun 2019, untuk memenuhi jasa layananan Tongkang Batu Bara dan Tongkang Minyak (BBM Solar) di Jetty PT. Adaro Maruwai Coal, Tuhup Kalimantan Tengah.
Dengan jumlah Tug Assit 1 unit kapal dengan 700 Hp, seiring berjalan nya waktu, sampai dengan tahun 2023, PT. Barito Armada Mandiri, telah mengoperasikan 12 unit Tug Assist.
Dengan perkembangnya project di PT. Adaro Maruwai Coal serta bertambahnya jumlah produksi batu bara, muncul ide untuk mendirikan suatu Badan Usaha yang lebih baik dan profesional dibidang Jasa Angkutan dan Layanan kapal.
Maka didirikanlah PT. Cipta Barito Perkasa, padaTahun 2023, bertujuan menjadi perusahaan yang mengutakaman standard Keselamatan, kesehatan, Kerja Sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah dan Perusahaan Comprehensive Transportation and Port Services
Beginning with the formation of a national local company PT. Barito Armada Mandiri (BAM) Murung Raya branch in 2019, to fulfill the services of Coal Barges and Oil Barges (BBM Solar) at Jetty PT. Adaro Maruwai Coal, Tuhup, Central Kalimantan.
With the number of Tug Assit 1 unit of ship with 700 Hp, over time, until 2023, PT. Barito Armada Mandiri, has operated 12 units of Tug Assist.
With the development of the project at PT. Adaro Maruwai Coal and the increasing amount of coal production, an idea emerged to establish a better and more professional business entity in the field of transportation services and ship services.
Then was founded PT. Cipta Barito Perkasa, in 2023, aims to become a company that prioritizes safety, health, work standards in accordance with government and company regulationsted partner in Central Kalimantan logistics solutions.
Transport Solutions
Efficient logistics for your business needs.
Reliable port services for seamless operations.
Multi-modal transport for diverse cargo types.
Port Services
Logistics Support
“Tug Assist, Barge, Heavy Equipment’s, Cargo Handling, Agency, Fresh Water Supply”
Service and reliability every time
Tug Assist Service and Jetty River Operation
Providing reliable multi-mode transportation and Jetty services across Central Kalimantan, Indonesia for your needs.
Jetty and River Operation
Expert Jetty services ensuring efficient assist and handling solutions tailored to your requirements, with weather up date for river water level from up stream till Muara Tuhup Bridge
Assist Tug
Comprehensive support to streamline your Tug& Barge, LCT, Oil Barge and SPOB processes and enhance operational efficiency at Jetty and during passing Muara Teweh Bridge
Dukungan komprehensif proses Assist (Tug & Barge, LCT, Oil Barge, dan SPOB) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional di Jetty dan Melewati Jembatan Muara Teweh
Layanan di Dermaga dan penanganan yang efisien sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda, didukung informasi Cuaca terkini untuk tingkat level air sungai dari hulu hingga Jembatan Muara Teweh
Our Gallery
Explore our multi-mode transportation and port service in action.
Exceptional service for Assist Tug and Jetty Operation needs in Central Kalimantan. Highly recommended for reliability!
Cipta Barito Perkasa